
What is āmnāya?

Śrīla Saccidānanda Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura

Granth Sri Bhakti Vinod Vani Vaibhav

Āmnāya is Vedic literature consisting of spiritual knowledge received through disciple succession coming from Lord Brahmā, the creator of the universe.

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Chapter 2: Vedic Knowledge


Deliberation on Śruti and Śrāuta

Prabhūpāda Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Saraswati Gosvami Ṭhākura

Granth Gauḍīya Darśana

The ordinary conventional meanings (sādhāraṇa rūḍhi-vṛtti) of the words ‘śruti’ and ‘śrauta’ which are accepted by followers of the empirical tradition (ādhyakṣika-sampradāya), who derive knowledge by collating sensory perceptions, is not accepted by the vidvat-sampradāya, who are servants of Adhokṣaja, the Lord who exists beyond sense perception.

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Is the feeling of "I" and "mine" in relationhip with the Lord abominable?

Śrīla Saccidānanda Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura

Granth Sri Bhakti Vinod Vani Vaibhav

There are three truths regarding one's relationhip with the Lord. These are knowledge about the material world, knowledge about the living entities, and knowledge about the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is one without a second, omnipotent, all-attractive, the source of all opulence and sweetness, and the only shelter of the living entities and material nature. Although He is the shelter of the living entities and material nature, He is...

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Chapter 1: Relationship with the Lord


Is anger toward those envious of devotees a limb of devotional service?

Prabhupād Śrīla Sarasvatī Ṭhākura

Granth upadeshamrit

We should display anger toward those who are envious of devotees. This is a particular limb of devotional service. A lack of anger against blasphemers is unjustified. But we need to understand who is actually envious of devotees. Those who do not serve the Supreme Lord, the Supersoul and most blissful friend of all living entities, do not benefit themselves but instead invite trouble by their envy of Krsna and...

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What is the science or knowledge of one's relationship with the Supreme Lord?

Śrīla Saccidānanda Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura

Granth Sri Bhakti Vinod Vani Vaibhav

There are three truths regarding one's relationhip with the Lord. These are knowledge about the material world, knowledge about the living entities, and knowledge about the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is one without a second, omnipotent, all-attractive, the source of all opulence and sweetness, and the only shelter of the living entities and material nature. Although He is the shelter of the living entities and material nature, He is...

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Chapter 1: Relationship with the Lord


What is our eternal occupatioal duty?

Prabhupād Śrīla Sarasvatī Ṭhākura

Granth upadeshamrit

Our eternal, occupational duty is to render devotional service to the transcendental Personality of Godhead. This duty is both unchangeable and unchallengeable.

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To serve Visnu, do we need to give up our daily activities?

Prabhupād Śrīla Sarasvatī Ṭhākura

Granth upadeshamrit

Perform all your duties as Vaishnavas. Do not simply engage in day-to-day activities by giving up the principles of Vaishnavism or service to Lord Vishnu. Vaishnavas engage in activities that are favorable for devotional service to Hari.

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How do we attain devotional service to Krsna?

Prabhupād Śrīla Sarasvatī Ṭhākura

Granth upadeshamrit

By attentively hearing _krsna-katha_ with a service attitude from sincere devotees of the Lord who have no business other than to constantly glorigy Him, we can attain devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna.

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What is enjoyment and what is renunciation?

Prabhupād Śrīla Sarasvatī Ṭhākura

Granth upadeshamrit

Enjoyment refers to sense activities, and renunciation refers to remaining aloof from material objects for sense gratification.

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What is actual happiness?

Prabhupada Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur

Granth upadeshamrit

The sastra declare that all hapiness emanates from the Supreme Brahman. Lord Krsna is the embodiment of ecstatic love. He is the personification of complete peace.

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Message of Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur.