What is a devotee's duty?

The devotees’ duty is to remain in touch with the Absolute for 24 hours out of 24 hours. If we get the association of such a Living source, a Vaishnava, and hear Hari-katha from him, we will certainly develop faith in the Absolute Godhead and awaken our propensity to serve Him. With the sole purpose of becoming a devotee, should we associate with a devotee.

Associating with a devotee with full surrender will certainly remove all of our impediments. The Vaishnava’s duty is to make his dependents or associates fearless, free from anxieties, and happy. The association of a Vaishnava is similar to the action of a battery. A Vaishnava’s duty is to induce the materialistic people of the world toward the Absolute Godhead and that is the real compassion. Our spiritual success is guaranteed if we have proper association with the Vaishnavas.

We have to listen to the Vaishnavas submissively and lead our devotional life accordingly, that is proper Vaishnava association. Delivering the conditioned souls like us from the hands of Maya is the duty of the Vaishnavas.
