Can we see the Supreme Lord without the spiritual master's help?

The spiritual master is the Lord’s transcendental temple. The Supreme Lord lives in that temple. Lord Sri Krsna, who is controlled by his devotees’ love, manifests Himself in the hearts of the spiritual master and the devotees. Scripture states, srutim apare smrtim itare bharatam anye bhajantu bhava-bhitah, aham iha nandam vande yasyalinde param brahma. “Let others, fearing material existence, worship the Vedas, the Vedic supplementary Puranas, and the MahaBharata, but I shall worship Nanda Maharaja, in whose courtyard the Supreme Brahman is crawling.” ~ (Padyavali 126)

​ Many people say that they are eager to see the Supreme Lord, but they do not understand that the Lord’s darshana is possible simply by taking darshana of the spiritual master. Unless we meet the spiritual master, we cannot meet the Supreme Lord. Devotional service does not begin wothout first taking shelter at a spiritual master’s lotus feet.

​ The spiritual master is certainly the via media between Krsna and the living entity. Lord Krsna sends His best servant, His best associate to this world to distribute His unlimited mery. The spiritual master is the personification of that mercy. Those who teach us to serve the Lord’s Deity and to chant His holy names are spiritual masters. It is not enough to serve the spiritual master with awe and reverence only from a distance; we must serve him with strong faith and love. The best example of this is the intimate service Srila Ragunatha das rendered to Srila Svarupa Damodhara Prabhu.
