Isn't it posiible to serve Hari by our own endeavors?

Service to Hari is possible only if Lord Krsna mercifully bestows such an opportunity upon us. Otherwise, it is impossible to engage in Hari’s service even after taking much personal trouble. Service to Hari is not a light engagement. In the hope to serve Hari, high birth is an enemy, opulence is an enemy, vast learning is an enemy, and beauty is an enemy. Unless we engage each of these in the service of the lover of the gopis, they will captivate us.

​ We have a problem when instead of seeing the material world and everything in it as intended for Krsna’s service, we see them as objects for our own enjoyment. Seeking personal happiness makes us want to become masters of the material world rather than servants of the Supreme Lord. In this world, everyone is trying to become masters, enjoyers. This is the basis of non-vaishnavism. Devotional service is the connection between servant and master. If we continue to see ourselves as due the service of others, what is the question of our learning to serve? Only servants serve.

Karmis and nondevotees think they will see, chant, and remember as doers. Only when they engage all their endeavors in the Lord’s service by renouncing the false pride of controllership will they achieve auspiciousness.

​ We are Krsna’s servants. We should serve the Lord twenty-four hours a day in the association of devotees and depend fully on the Supreme Lord’s lotus feet. The solution to all problems or dangers is to depend wholly on the Lord’s arrangements.

​ In this world, we serve one another through four relationships: husdand and wife, father and child, friend and friend, and master and servant. Unaware of our relationship with the Lord, we developed temporary relationships. Although these may appear good at first, they always bring disappointment in the end. Life will be auspicious if we can develop any of these relationships with the Supreme Lord.

​ We can return to Vaikuntha from this world if we engage in the Lord’s service. If instead we desire to accept service from others, remaining attached to this world, we will continue to suffer the threefold miseries of material existence. We are not Krsna; we are not supreme. We are instead Krsna’s servants and Krsna alone is our eternal master, the eternal subject of our service. We are Krsna’s eternal slaves, His sold-out servants. As soon as we forget this and rebel against His service, we are bound to perpetual suffering. Material existence is the gateway to hell; it is a world only of sense gratification and suffering. Forgetting Krsna begins our material existence. Therefore, Sri Chaitanya-caritamrita states, “The followers of the varnasrama institution accept the regulative principles of the four social orders, and four spiritual orders. However, if one carries out the regulative principles of these orders but does not render transcendental service to Krsna, he falls into a hellish condition of material life.” (CC Madhya 22.26)
