Is receiving the spiritual master's mercy the only way to attain Krsna's mercy?

The spiritual master is nondifferent from Lord Nityananda. By his mercy we receive Krsna’s holy name, initiation into Krsna-mantas, and proper instruction by which we can attain eternal auspiciousness. Without the spiritual master’s mercy we cannot receive the mercy of Lord Gauranga and Sri Radha-Govinda. Our previous acharya, Srila Narottama das Thakur, has explained this: the jiva’s material existence is exhausted and the wealth of love of God is attained simply by their receiving the spiritual master’s mercy. The spiritual master, who is our devotional teacher, is an intimate devotee of Sri Gauranga. By serving such a guru with love, our perfection is guaranteed. Those whose hearts have become hard due to material attachment cannot chant the holy name of Krsna, who killed the Agha demon, purely. If, however, we hear Hari’s holy name attentively from the mouth of the spiritual master, then the holy name will certainly intoxicate us. If the spiritial master bestows unconditional mercy upon us, seeing our sincere humility and eagerness, glorification of Hari will come from our mouth with intensity.
