Is there more to the mentality we should maintain?

We should treat those relatives averse to Sri Chaitanya as strangers. We have to give up bad association and take advantage of good association. Unless we associate with saints, we cannot give up bad association. We should understand that those who are averse to, indifferent toward, or envious of Sri Chaitanyadeva’s devotees are enemies of Chaintanya.

​ Only those who spend their time discussing Krsna-katha are devotees. Those who instead of discussing Krsna-katha spend their time discussing wordly topics and the philosophy of impersonalism are non devotees and sinful. That the material world is meant for our enjoyment and that we are the enjoyer is a mundane conception. Actually, the material world is Jagannath’s residence, who is the Lord of the Universe.

​ We become fortunate when we go to Vraja if we accept our spiritual master, who is an eternally perfected associate of Krsna, to be a Vrajavasi. Our duty is simply to approach and follow an eternally perfected personality, accepting him as guru. That will give us the shelter of Vraja. If instead we become independent and try to see things through sense perception, we will prolong our material existence and never reach Vraja. Try your best to sincerely worship Hari. You will not live long but are bound to leave this world. Engage in the Lord’s service under guru’s guidance. When your serving propensity becomes strong, nothing will distract you from that. Our prefection lies in desiring the dust from the lotus feet of the guru who is a staunch follower of Sri Rupa. By paying close attention to the pleasure of guru and Gauranga, we will not be ruined by the desire for sense gratification. We must live simply to worship Hari. Do not give up hari-bhajana simply because you see obstacles or dangers on the devotional path.
