What should a disciple's mentality be?

Our object of hearing should be glorification of the spiritual master. We must humbly follow the spiritual master's orders without any reservation. For this we should gladly accept any necessary inconvenience. This is how a disciple thinks.

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What is a real disciple?

One whose life and soul is his guru, whose ideal is his spiritual master, whose aim is to serve his spiritual master, and who is more partial to his spiritual master even though he has equal love and devotion for Krsna, is an actual disciple. Real disciples are not weak, they are strongly upheld by the spiritual master's mercy. Their strength and hope are the service and mercy of their spiritual master. Real disciples never transgress thier guru's order even when their life is at stake. Because disciples follow the guru's order as their life and soul, they are qualified to recieve their spiritual master's mercy.

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What does a devotee understand to be true?

Actual devotees do not become disturbed in any situation whether it is happy or full of distress, convinient or inconvinient. Rather, they always engage in the Lord's service with body, mind, and speech. Devotees are firmly established in the principle of serving the Lord.

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Is there more to the mentality we should maintain?

We should treat those relatives averse to Sri Chaitanya as strangers. We have to give up bad association and take advantage of good association. Unless we associate with saints, we cannot give up bad association. We should understand that those who are averse to, indifferent toward, or envious of Sri Chaitanyadeva's devotees are enemies of Chaintanya.

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What should the mentality of practitioners like us be?

A practitioner should know that *anartha-nirvritti* is the last platform before attaining the goal of life. Part of that understanding is to know that unfavorable situations create situations favorable for devotional service in the next moment. If one develops the mentality that everything in this world is meant for Krsna's service, then the propensity for material enjoyment cannot disturb him.

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Do the devotees practice worldy morality?

Actual devotees of Krsna never encourage immorality. The lotus feet of Sri Krsna, who is the personalification of religion, are the complete resting place of all morality. The highest form of morality for a spirit soul is to become attach to the Supersoul. The devotees of Krsna are the ultimate limit of this pure attachment.

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What mentality should a devotee maintain?

The *Kena Upanisad* states that having received specific powers from the omnipotent Supreme Lord, the demigods perform their respective duties. When that power is withdrawn, the demigods lost their potency. Devotees who follow in Sri Rupa's footsteps rather than placing their faith in themselves attribute all glories to their source. We do everything for the pleasure of Sri Krsna Chaitanya, Sri Rupa, Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura, and our spiritual master. As soon as we give up the path of devotional service, the path of subordination to Krsna, false ego and illusion swallow us.

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How does a devotee see the material world?

An exalted devotee sees the material world as the Lord's mercy. Mercy, compassion, is woshiapble. It is not possible to surpass the Lord's compassion. If one sees this material world, which is meant for Lord's enjoyment, or the personification of the Lord's mercy in the spirit of enjoyment, one will certainly be punished.

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What is the mentality of a Vaishnav?

A devotee of Vishnu considers neither his spiritual master nor his disciples to be objects of his own sense enjoyment. He is always engaged in Krsna's service under his guru's guidance and is pleased to engage everything in his Lord's service. A sincere disciple has no desire for sense gratification. He is concerned only with serving his spiritual master. If a disciples does possess the desire for sense gratification, it can be assumed that he is not fully serving the spiritual master.

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What is the mentality of a surrendered soul?

Unalloyed devotees of the Lord accept all the Lord's arrangements without argument. Displaying impatience about the Lord's arrangements proves that one lacks faith and desires material enjoyment. Devotees are not concerned whether the Lord's mercy seems like punishment, cruelty, or wealth because they are fully surrendered to the Lord. No amount of material inconvenience can distract them from their surrender or from accepting the Lord as their maintainer.

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Message of Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur.