What does a spiritual master give to a surrendered soul?

The spiritual master gives a surrendered soul the spiritual name. The spiritual master is nondifferent from the Supreme Lord and personifies devotional service. We should never disregard the spiritual master or consider him an ordinary human being. If we disregard the spiritual master, we commit a grave offense. Similarly, there is no difference between the transcendental sound vibration and the transcendental Lord. Krsna's holy name and Krsna Himself are nondifferent. The holy name is not a product of the material world. The holy name is not an object of our vision; rather he is the seer.

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Will whatever we do out of duty destroy nescience?

Our sense of duty and gratitude are mental functions, not characteristics of the soul. Actions performed out of duty are based on the mind, intelligence and false ego, whereas devotional Service is an activity of the soul.

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How should we treat the material world?

We should see this material world and everything in it as full of ingredients for the Lord's service. Everything in this world is meant for Krsna's service. The day when we can look at the world like this and become liberated from the material conception, we will be able to see the material world as tje spiritual world, Goloka. We should treat all women as Krsna's beloveds. They are to be enjoyed by Him.

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Can we save ourselves?

Instead, devotees know that Krsna is their protector. Why should we be afraid? We should maintain this understanding taught by the great devotee, Prahlada. As soon as we become indifferent to *hari-katha* and become less dependent on the Lord, we will become captured by various sinful motives and false ego. Then we will be in danger.

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Don't you have many disciples?

I have not made any disciples. Everyone is my spiritual master. I learn something from everyone. My only prayer is that they may mercifully award me the opportunity to follow their non-duplicitous ideal of worshiping the Lord.

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Do we really need to be introspective?

If we are eager to know the contents of a letter, we show no patience when looking at the envelop. If we see objects in this material world as ingredients only for the Lord's service, we will no longer have external vision. The Supreme Lord is situated everywhere in this world. He is situated in the hearts of all living entities.

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What instructions does a bonafide spiritual master give?

There is no scarcity of instructions in this world. People in this world advise us to pay special attention to our immediate needs, but this creates more bad than good because our needs go on increasing. While trying to fulfill our temporary needs we drown in the ocean of unlimited needs and difficulties. It is neither beneficial for us to live in this world with attachment nor to display detachment. We should become free from the cheaters who, in the guise of saints, induce ordinary people to aim for religiosity, economic development, sense gratification, and liberation and who are busy trying to make ordinary people as apparently religious as themselves. Instead, we should become intelligent enough to concentrate our mind on topics about Sri Chaitanyadeva.

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How dertermined we should be to serve the spiritual master's lotus feet?

A real disciple accepts his spiritual master as servitor of God, most dear to Krsna. He never considers his spiritual master inferior to the Lord in any way. A sincere disciple serves and worships his spiritual master as if he were God. Those who do not follow this principle fall down from their position as disciples.

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What is the difference between the science relating to the spiritual master and the science relating to Sri Radha?

Sri Radharani is the original predominated absolute. Sri Radha, the daughter of Vrshabhanu, is the crest jewel of all *acaryas* of *madhurya-rasa* and of all lovers of Krsna.

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How should I treat my spiritual master?

Serve your spiritual master with love and devotion just as you do Krsna. Consider the spiritual master as good as the Supreme Lord. Do not think him inferior to the Lord in any way. It is disciple's duty to treat, worship, and serve the spiritual master as if he were God. If a disciple does not do so, he will fall down from his position as a disciple.

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Message of Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur.