Do we get a spiritual master by Lord's mercy?

If we ever become fortunate enough to receive a bona fide spiritual master, all credit goes to Krsna alone. Through the spiritual master, Lord Krsna awards us the benediction of fearlessness. Only the foutunate receive this opportunity. An appropriate spiritual master comes to an appropriate person.

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Is it the spiritual master fully independent?

My spiritual master is completely independent. He is not dependent on the mercy of anyone in this world. His good wish is that everyone sincerely worships Hari.

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Is it most essential to serve the Spiritual master?

If the Vaishnavas, who are fixed at the spiritual master's lotus feet, do not instruct us how to approach, serve, and deal with our spiritual master, we may lose a coveted jewel.

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Who can deliver us from material absorption?

One who cannot deliver his dependents from the path of repeated birtha nd death should never become a spiritual master, a father, a husband, a mother, or a worshipable demigod.

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Will we be cheated if we do not take complete shelter of the spiritual master?

we will be cheated in proportion tio our duplicity.

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When does the Supreme Lord manifest in the heart?

If, out of good fortune, we can feel the spirtual master's presence in our heart, if we can see the spiritual master traveling and walking in our heart, then the Supreme Lord will manifest in out heart too. There is no way to attain the Lord's service other than by serving and satisfying that personality who always inspires us to offer our devotion to the Lord

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Is the Spiritual master present in everything?

My spiritual master is the one who always personally demonstrates how to serve Krsna throughout my life. He is reflected in the hearts of all living entities, and he is all objects as the Lord's subordinate. Thus he is present in every item

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Will we face difficulty if we forget our spiritual master?

The moment I fall down from the service to my spiritual master, who is protecting me at every moment by keeping me at his lotus feet, I will become distracted from the Absolute Truth. As soon as I fall away from my spiritual master's shelter, I will be captured by innumerable material desires.

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Can we see the Supreme Lord without the spiritual master's help?

The spiritual master is certainly the via media between Krsna and the living entity. Lord Krsna sends His best servant, His best associate to this world to distribute His unlimited mery. The spiritual master is the personification of that mercy. Those who teach us to serve the Lord's Deity and to chant His holy names are spiritual masters. It is not enough to serve the spiritual master with awe and reverence only from a distance; we must serve him with strong faith and love. The best example of this is the intimate service Srila Ragunatha das rendered to Srila Svarupa Damodhara Prabhu.

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Is it essential to associate and serve the spiritual master directly?

We should certianly communicate directly with the spiritual master. Those who do not wish to serve and associate with their spiritual master personally are bound to be cheated.

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Message of Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur.