Should we render service to the spiritual master every day?

We should serve the spiritual master at the beginning of every year, every month, every day, and every moment. If we do not serve the spiritual master constantly, We will certainly face difficulty. The moment we forget our guru's service, we will forget ourselves..

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Is the spiritual master an ordinary man?

The spiritual master is sheltered, and Lord Krsna is the shelter. The spiritual master is servitor God and Sri Krsna is the object of service, the personality of Godhead. The spiritual master is most dear to Lord Mukunda. In the vision of a self-realized disciple on the *raga* path, the spiritual master is Krsna's energy and a manifestation of Vrsabhanu's daughter.

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Is it possible to serve Krsna without Spiritual master?

The spiritual master is not an ordinary human being. He is as good as the Supreme Lord. That is why the spiritual master is described as God. He is the object of love and devotion. Those who know tha the spiritual master is as good as the Supreme Lord are his genuine followers. Such followers are eligible for his mercy. Because the spiritual master, who is dear to Krsna, is pleased with unalloyed disciples, Krsna, his dearest friend, also becomes pleased with them.

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Who is a Vaishnav?

Only devotees who are fixed at the spiritual master's Lotus fetet and who are free of material desire are pure. A person who is free from the influence of wealth, women, and the tigress of fame is a Vaishnav. He is detached and pure and can defeat the entire world.

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What does it mean to be happy?

By taking shelter of the spiritual master's lotus feet, we become fearless, free of lamentation, and happy. When we serve him, we gain his association. If we serve the spiritual master with body, mind and speech, we quickly attain his mercy.

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Is faith in the Spiritual master's lotus feet the root of devotional service?

The spiritual master alone is able to bestow such knowledge. Therefore, the root of devotional service is firm faith in the transcendental spiritual master. This faith is the first principle on the devotional path. The first requirement any devotee must fulfill is to give up the blind conception that there are many religions. He must also reject the path of argumentation and maintain faith in his spiritual master's auspicious instructions.

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Is Sri Radharani the original spiritual master?

Sri Radhika, who is the *hladini* aspect of the Lord's internal energy, is the original spiritual master of all the devotees.

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Isn't it possible to worship Krsna without taking shelter of the spiritual master's lotus feet?

If we fail to subordinate ourselves to Her representative, the spiritual master, we will not be able to cultivate Krsna consciousness or even please Krsna.

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How we can understand vaishnava philosophy?

Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth.

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Who is qualify to become a spiritual master?

Those who consider themselves disciples of a disciple are qualified to become spiritual masters.

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Message of Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur.