How can we achieve Krsna's complete mercy?

We can attain Krsna’s complete mercy simply by becoming qualified to be counted among the servants of Vrshbhanu’s daughter as Sri Rupa’s servant. We can achieve such good fortune simply by becoming a servant or particle of dust at the lotus feet of the guru who is a staunch follower...

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Who is eligible for deliverance?

As soon as we forget the Lord, various mundane thoughts and sense desires swallow us. The most merciful Sri Krishna is always ready to protect us from such danger provided we depend on Him completely. Lord Krsna saves the living entities in the form of the spiritual master. The spiritual...

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Is the spiritual master enriched by Krsna's wealth?

The Spiritual master is the proprietor of the Supreme Lord. Sri Krsna is the spiritual master’s property or wealth. That is why only the spiritual master is able to give Krsna. Simply by the spiritual master’s mercy we can attain the mercy and darshan of Krsna.

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Where can we find a spiritual master?

Only the person Lord Krsna send us as spiritual master will manifest before us as our guru. By the Lord’s mercy we attain a spiritual master, and by the spiritual master’s mercy we attain Krsna. We are given a spiritual master according to our fortune. Different people have different mentalities,...

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Should we make disciples?

Unless we are pure devotee or liberated souls, we should not make disciples. Instead, we should first become disciples ourselves by taking shelter of a bonafide spiritual master. We should then hear hari-katha from such a guru’s mouth and follow his instructions in practice and humility. While glorifying those instructions,...

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Who is an actual disciple?

It is disciples duty to obey whatever arrangements my spiritual master makes for me without fail. A real disciple sees his spiritual master both internally and externally. Although he considers himself insignificant, a disciple's vision is not low. A sincere disciple certainly possesses the good intelligence to know that he has no well-wisher in this world other than his spiritual master.

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Who can understand the mystery of bhajan?

Only the unalloyed servants of the spiritual masters Sri Svarupa and Sri Rupa can understand the mystery of worshipping the Lord. A devotee who has firm faith in and love for the spiritual master’s lotus feet is called an unalloyed servant. The Vedas declare: yasya deve parā bhaktir yathā deve...

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Why are we unable to serve Krsna?

It is impossible to serve Krsna without receiving the mercy of great souls. This is why it is so important to take shelter at the lotus feet of a bona fide spiritual master. The Caitanya-caritamrita states: mahat-krpa vina kona karme 'bhakti' naya, Krsna-bhakti dure rahu, samsara nahe ksaya “Unless one...

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Whose association should we desire?

Our spiritual master has declared that karma and gyan are the religion of cheaters. We should give up those two paths and follow the path of devotional service. To do so, we should associate with those who traverse the path of devotion. It is essential to associate with devotees superior...

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Which literature is topmost?

There is no literature in the world as valuable as Śrīmad- Bhāgavatam. But it is difficult to study Srīmad-Bhāgavatam without the association of saintly persons and the spiritual master.

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Message of Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur.