Should we give up bad association?

Not everyone is fortunate enough to understand a Vaishnav’s activities and behaviour. It is good for me if, due to ignorance, someone looks upon me with a crooked glance. My only distress is that some people go to hell along with their ancestors by becoming envious of my eternally worship...

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How do we worship Hari constantly?

We never desire to associate with those who want to prosper in family life. We should develop a strong desire to serve those who are attached to worshipping Hari and who are situated in family life with Krsna in the centre. It is our duty to give up bad association...

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Of What should we be careful?

Everything in this world belongs to Krsna. If one uses anything for his own enjoyment, he will have to face the consequences. Those who are averse to hearing krsna-katha will become materially attached and bound to this world. Therefore, pious persons who desire their eternal benefit should take utmost care...

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Should we give up bad association?

We are servants of the Supreme Lord. Why should we become materialists? Material enjoyment brings distress. Sense objects, which we perceive through form, taste, smell, touch, and sound perpetually troubles us. We should not become material enjoyers. Sri Gaurangadeva said that one who wants to worship the Lord should never...

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How do we worship Hari constantly?

By always remaining in the association of the livng source - those who are constantly engaged in worshipping Hari - we will, by the mercy of those great souls, automatically receive the good fortune to engage constantly in Lord Hari’s service. Therefore, the shastras state, nijabhista krsna-prestha pacheta’ lagiya, nirantara...

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How we should live at home?

Proper association with exalted, swanlike personalities destroys our qualification for falling into the dark well of material life. If we associate with librated souls, we will be qualified to become spiritual householders. Those who do not associate with bhagavatas to discuss the Bhagavata, knowing the two to be nondifferent, will...

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How can we realize the self?

I can realize myself and regain my spiritual form simply by the mercy of my spiritual master, who is an intimate devotee of Krsna. We must always associate with devotees, because simply by associating with them we can recieve information about our spiritual form, our constitutional position. Once we have...

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How should we think of ourselves in relation to Krsna?

Unless one thinks himself a servant, he cannot serve. Devotional service requires a relationship between servant and master. We are trying to become masters rather than servants in this world. How then can we serve? Only a servant can serve. “I will hear, see, chant, and remember with a spirit...

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How can we achieve mental strength?

We are weak and need to become mentally strong. Our mental condition will become stronger if we faithfully hear hari-katha from living devotees. It is not possbile to strengthen our mental state without associating with devotees.

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Can we serve Lord on our own

Question: Isn’t it possible to serve the Supreme Lord on our own? How can we serve the Lord whimsically or without the support of those whom the Lord has appointed as His Servants? Those who desire religiosity, economic development, sense gratification, or liberation are not the Lord’s servants. Moreover, those...

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Message of Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur.