What is the living entity's ultimate goal?

Material enjoyment or liberation cannot be the living entitys ultimate goal. The living entities are servants of the Supreme Lord, so their ultimate goal is devotional service. Liberation is the other side of material enjoyment. Both material enjoyment and liberation are witches, because both pull the living entities away from righteousness. This is why God-fearing, pious people never take shelter of witchlike material enjoyment or liberation. The devotees of the Lord are already liberated souls and therefore do not hanker for liberation. We should give up karma and jyana and take shelter of devotional service.

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क्या संसार में सुख है?

वास्तव में संसार में सुख है ही नहीं । संसार नाना प्रकार की अनहोनियों को घटाकर अशान्ति उत्पन्न कर देता है। उसमें अच्छा, बुरा या आशिक पवित्रता रहने पर भी अनेक समय नाना प्रकार की अशान्ति उत्पन्न कर देता है।

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What is service?

That which gives pleasure to Lord Hari is service and that which gives pleasure to ourselves is enjoyment. Duplicitous people may worsship the Deity with sixteen ingredients in order to get sons and gradsons, but this cannot be called service because the purpose behind their worship is to get something from the Lord. There is so much cheating going on in the name of Deity worship and chanting of the holy name.

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How can we attain Krsna's service?

We are souls surrendered to Krsna. We are under the shelter of the spiritual masters lotus feet. It is not possible to see the Lord with our present material eyes. The Lords pure devoteees always see Him through eyes anointed with devotion. We are conditionaed souls.

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Is working for Krsna, devotional service?

A devotee has no engagement other than to work for Krsna. Whatever the pure devotees so for the Lords pleasure is devotional service. A person is subject to enjoy the fruits of his work if he considers himself the doer. Therefore, there is a gulf of difference between Karma and *bhakti*.

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What kind of Vaishnava has no possessions?

the material world simply contains ingridents for the service of Hari, guru, and the vaishnavas. They do not see this mateial world in the spirit of personal enjoyment, nor do they become indifferent to it. Rather, they engage everything in this world in the Supreme Lords service. Unless we worship Lord Hari, we have no right to take even a blade of grass from this world.

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Message of Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur.