What do we need to do now?

We must hear from a bonafide spiritual master. When we first hear from guru his words appear revolting to us. Some unfortunate people dare to think we can correct our spiritual master by our own experience. But the current of mundane thoughts cannot attack the spiritual master; he is situated millions of miles from such thoughts. He is known as guru because his position does not shift; he is the heaviest personality.

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In spite of accepting mantras, why are our minds still unregulated?

If our minds remain unchanged after having received mantras, it means we have not actually received the mantras. Giving mantras is more than whispering something or blowing air into someone's ears. Accepting mantras initiation means to accept transcendental knowledge. This transcendental knowledge smashes to pieces the pillars of the nescience we have accumulated since time immemorial, then builds pillars of eternal truth out of transcendental knowledge.

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What is the function of the caitya-guru (SuperSoul) and the other forms of Guru?

The Supreme Lord regulates the living entity's good and bad propensities by residing in their hearts as the Supersoul. The Supersoul or internal spiritual master directs all living entities. The Supersoul also guides us to a spiritual master. Aside from this, the spiritual master's servants act as instructing spiritual masters.

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How will I understand whether or not a spiritual master is bonafide?

The spiritual master we choose, or a person who, according to our consideration is qualified to be guru, may not be bonafide. Only a person sent to us personally by Krsna will manifest before us as the spiritual master.

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How can we understand the Absolute Truth?

The Absolte Truth is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is cause of all causes. The Absolute Truth is self-manifest. He is not dead matter. He is fully cognizant. He manifests before us out of His own sweet will. It is impopssible to know Him by mundane experience or the ascending path. The Absolute is not an object belonging to the third dimension. We can measure objects belonging to the third dimension. Anything that can be measured with our material senses belongs to the world of Maya.

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How we will receive a bonafide spiritual master ?

The Supreme Lord is present in our heart as the internal spiritual master and outside our heart as a pure devotee. If we are sincere, the Lord will guide us to a pure devotee. We may approach Him and beg for such mercy, but He is the sole in-charge for granting our wish. We cannot question Him if He refuses to grant it. Krsna is not the caretaker of our garden. Our duty is to wait patiently for His mercy.

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Who can act as a spiritual master?

Only a devotee of Krsna who knows the service of Krsna can act as guru. Since Karmis, jnanis and impersonalists are nondevotees, they can never become gurus. Only one who worships the Personality of Godhead is able to become a spiritual master. Those who think proudly that they are Krsnas servants cannot become spiritual masters unless they proudly identify themselves as disciples of a disciple.

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Who is the internal spiritual master?

The localized Paramatma, the individual Godhead situated within the heart of every living entity, who is described in the Vedas beginning with the verse *dva suparna*, is the internal, pure, unalloyed conscience spiritual master, the caitya-guru.

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How can we understand the actual truth?

The faith, devotion, and tastes of godless people are always opposed to devotion. With such faith, devotion, and tastes, human beings will never be able to understand actual truth. When the Absolute Truth personally appears by His causeless mercy, He reveals Himself to the surrendered souls. In the form of the SuperSoul, the Lord reveals to sincere souls to whom they should surrender. Actual truth comes down to us through the pure and perfect process of disciplic succession.

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Is receiving the spiritual master's mercy the only way to attain Krsna's mercy?

The spiritual master is nondifferent from Lord Nityananda. By his mercy we receive Krsna's holy name, initiation into *Krsna-mantas*, and proper instruction by which we can attain eternal auspiciousness. Without the spiritual master's mercy we cannot receive the mercy of Lord Gauranga and Sri Radha-Govinda. Our previous *acharya*, Srila Narottama das Thakur, has explained this: the *jiva's* material existence is exhausted and the wealth of love of God is attained simply by their receiving the spiritual master's mercy. The spiritual master, who is our devotional teacher, is an intimate devotee of Sri Gauranga. By serving such a guru with love, our perfection is guaranteed.

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Message of Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur.