Is it possible to remain materialistic after seeing the spiritual master?

If we proudly think we are great, we cannot become humble. Even though we are servants, we would prefer to be masters. As a result, we would bring about our own ruination because we would come to see everything as fit for our enjoyment rather than for Krsna's enjoyment. If we can see everything in relation to guru and Krsna, we will not see it as meant for our personal enjoyment. When we wear blue spectacles everything appears blue; by seeing everything in relation to guru and Krsna, we come to see everything through divine vision. Everything will rightly appear worshipable. This universe is full of objects for the service of the master of this universe. Therefore, all objects are worshipable. If we are endowed with spiritual vision, we can easily see Krsna.

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Of what type of guru should we take shelter?

If I am fortunate enough, I will take shelter of a spiritual master who always worships Hari. I should surrender to a spiritual master who is cent percent engaged in the Lord's service. Otherwise, unable to follow his ideal example, I will not be able to engage myself cent percent in the Lord's service. A person devoid of proper etiquette, a platform speaker, or a professional priest cannot become guru. If we receive such a spiritual master, unfortunately, we cannot learn to worship Hari. A spiritual master must be free from material desire, self-controlled, well conversant with scripture, and self-realized.

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What is Karta-bhaja, self-worship?

*Karta-bhaja* is an unauthorized *sampradaya* or sect. The followers of this sect are not Vaishnavas. They imagine that the spiritual master is Krsna Himself - that is, that the guru is the supreme enjoyer. Therefore, they think there is no need to worship Krsna. This is atheism. While it is true that the spiritual master is non-different from Krsna, it is not true that he is the supreme enjoyer. He is servitor god, a topmost devotee, the personification of devotional service. He is most dear to Krsna. In order to teach us how to serve Him, Lord Krsna appears in this world in the form of various spiritual masters.

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What does it mean that spiritual master does not make any disciples?

An actual spiritual master does not make disciples. Rather, he makes everyone his spiritual master. He makes godless people devotees of Krsna. He pleases Krsna by engaging everyone in the Lord's service. His activities and behaviour are consistent with devotion. He always sees everything in relation to Krsna and in relation to his own spiritual master. He does not see anything with an enjoying spirit or from a mundane viewpoint. As medical professors do not make students but doctors, the spiritual master does not make disciples but spiritual masters.

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What is the meaning of initiation?

In the beginning, we have to know our relationship with the Supreme Lord. Initiation is another name for the kind of knowledge we gain when we come to understand our relationship with the Supreme Lord. Merely receiving instructions regarding how to chant mantras is not initiation. Initiation is that act by which we attain transcendental knowledge. The living entities cannot benefit themselves even after studying hundreds of pieces of literature or by making show of whimsical worship.

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Is it important to take shelter at the feet of vaishnvas?

If we do not take shelter of a devotee's lotus feet, we cannot take shelter of Krsna's lotus feet. Without the association and shelter of the Lord's devotees, we can never obtain the Lord's service. We are all fallen souls and are therefore unable to benefit ourselves. Since we are fallen, we cannot be delivered until we take shelter of the lotus feet of the deliverer of fallen souls. There is no other way to achieve auspiciousness than to associate with devotees.

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Does Krsna appear in the form of a spiritual master to teach His own service?

The Supreme Personality of Godhead has hands and He is scratching His body with His hands. There is no difference between His body and His hands. He is serving Himself. In the same way, in order to teach devotional service, the lord personally appears in the form of a spiritual master. My spiritual master is nondifferent from the Lord. The Lord is the predominating subject, and the spiritual master is the predominating subject. The Lord is the worshipable God, and the spiritual master is the worshiper God. Lord Mukunda is the subject of service, and the spiritual master, who is most dear to Mukunda, is the topmost servant. There is no one as dear to the Lord as my spiritual master. He is certainly most dear to Krsna. Like two halves of a chickpea, worshipable Krsna is one half and worshiper Krsna is the other. The pastimes between them make them complete. The complete existence of the worshipable Lord is Krsna, and the complete existence of the worshiper Lord is my spiritual master.

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Is the spiritual master's mercy Krsna's mercy?

Lord Krsna bestows mercy upon us and gives all living entities shelter in the form of the spiritual master. The spiritual master's mercy and the mercy of Krsna are not two separate things. The spiritual master does not teach anything other than to worship Krsna. Lord Krsna also does not accept any service that has not been rendered by His devotee.

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Who is a spiritual master and how should he be served?

The guru and Vaishnavas are the transcendental home of the Supreme Lord. The Lord does not manifest just anywhere. He appears and remains in the hearts of guru and the vaishnavas. Many people want to see the Lord, but they do not know that the Lord's *darshan* can be had only through the spiritual master's *darshan*. It is not possible to begin devotional service without a spiritual master. The Spiritual master is the via media between us and Krsna's lotus feet. This is Krsna's mercy. He sends His topmost servant or Vaishnav into this world to deliver everyone. Thus the spiritual master is the personification of that causeless mercy.

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How do we find a genuine spiritual master?

The first step in attaining perfection is to take shelter of a bonafide spiritual master. By the Lord's will, everyone receives a spiritual master accordingly to his own qualification, just as the Christians received Jesus Christ and the Muslims Prophet Mohammad. Moreover, according to their luck, materialists remain attached to material life by accepting family priests as their spiritual masters. But if we are fortunate and search sincerely for a bonafide spiritual master, and if we humbly pray to the Lord to attain the mercy of such a guru, then by the Lord's mercy as well certainly receive a bonafide guru in this lifetime. Then by taking shelter at his lotus feet our life will become successful.

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Message of Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur.