Should we make disciples?

Unless we are pure devotee or liberated souls, we should not make disciples. Instead, we should first become disciples ourselves by taking shelter of a bonafide spiritual master. We should then hear hari-katha from such a guru’s mouth and follow his instructions in practice and humility. While glorifying those instructions, we should then become gurus. Trying to remain forever insignificant on some pretext amounts to self-deceit. To become guru means to become a devotee of Krsna and to remain constantly engaged in the Lord’s sercice with all our senses.

there are no hard and fast rules that tell us we must make disciples, but if the Lord desires it, then a pure devotee will give instructions for others’ benefit. Such pure devotees are not selfishly motivated. Rather, their main purpose is to make the insignificant great, to make the godless inclined towards the Lord, and to make each person a devotee of Krsna.
