Should we render service to the spiritual master every day?

We should serve the spiritual master at the beginning of every year, every month, every day, and every moment. If we do not serve the spiritual master constantly, We will certainly face difficulty. The moment we forget our guru’s service, we will forget ourselves.

​ Knowledge imparted by worldly teachers or instructiors produces insignificant results, but the bonafide spiritual master does not bestow such insignificant results. The spiritual master bestows real auspiciousness. As soon as the living entities are bereft of the mercy of the sheltered God - the spiritual master- they are captured by material desires. If an instructing spiritual master does not instruct us how to take shelter at a guru’s lotus feet and how to deal with him, then we may lose the most coveted jewel even after having received it.

​ Chanting the Lord’s holy name is the best form of worship. The spiritual master teaches us this process. But if we do not please the spiritual master, how will we gain the strength to worship the Lord? That is why I say that those who want to attain the Lord’s shelter, who want real peace and freedom from material existence, should make the spiritual master’s service their life and soul. They should serve the spiritual master constantly and try their best to please him. Then they will not face any problems in life. They will attain all perfection.

​ Enjoyer-Krsna is half and Enjoyed-Krsna is the other half. The various pastimes performed by both are complete. Krsna is the complete manifestation of the enjoyer, and our spiritual master is the complete manifestation of the enjoyed. A spiritual master is one who personally demonstrates how to serve the Supreme Lord throughout life. That spiritual master is present in every object. We have no business other than to serve his lotus feet constantly.
