What instructions does a bonafide spiritual master give?

There is no scarcity of instructions in this world. People in this world advise us to pay special attention to our immediate needs, but this creates more bad than good because our needs go on increasing. While trying to fulfill our temporary needs we drown in the ocean of unlimited needs and difficulties. It is neither beneficial for us to live in this world with attachment nor to display detachment. We should become free from the cheaters who, in the guise of saints, induce ordinary people to aim for religiosity, economic development, sense gratification, and liberation and who are busy trying to make ordinary people as apparently religious as themselves. Instead, we should become intelligent enough to concentrate our mind on topics about Sri Chaitanyadeva.

​ Brhaspati is the spiritual master of the demigods. He instructs the demigod in such a way that they can enjoy a better standard of life. Both Brhaspati’s sharp Intelligence and his instructions on religious principles are meant simply to increase his disciples’ enjoying propensity. There are many good instructions in human society too - familty priests, community leaders, country leaders, and relatives whose instructions are similarly meant. There are also family spiritual masters such as Vashista who instruct their disciples to renounce sense gratification. But a Vaishanav spiritual master instructs people only to worship Hari. He makes neither material enjoyment nor dry renunciation the goal of his instructions. Instead, he instructs others for their eternal benefit.
