What is a pure devotee's mentality?

A pure devotee sees that nothing is meant for his own enjoyment. All animate and inanimate objects are meant for the Lord’s service. Therefore all our activities should be directed toward His unalloyed service. Sastra states - “Bhakti, or devotional service, means engaging all our senses in the service of the Lord, the Supreme personality of Godhead, and the master of all the senses. When the spirit soul renders service unto the Supreme, there are two side effects. One is freed from all material designations, and one’s sense are purified simply by being employed in the service of the Lord.” ~ CC Madya-lila 19.170

​ All our services must target Him only. All our senses should be engaged in the service of the master of the senses. All are servitors of Krsna. Therefore, we shall not deprive them of their service. Let all of them offer their services to Krsna. Let us pray, “May the Supreme Lord accept our service.” If we use the bricks for our own house, then there will be problems, but if we use the bricks to build a temple for the Lord, we will be happy and blessed. The proper use of inanimate objects is to engage them in the Lord’s service, and if they are engaged in satisfying the living entities’s senses, then we are missing or exploiting them.

​ We shoud direct our senses to serve Krsna. All objects are really the Lord’s property. They are not meant for the pleasure of conditioned souls. It is wrong and misguided to think that everything we see has been created for us. Nothing is meant for our sensual enjoyment. Everything should be properly adjusted for the service to God.

​ If all this world’s inanimate objects are engaged in Hari’s service, then their purpose is served. For example, these bamboos here - if they are used to arrange a stage for propagating hari-katha, then they have been properly utilized. We use these things for the service of Hari and His devotees. All the Vaishnavas’s activities are aimed at pleasing the Supreme Lord, the spiritual master, and the other Vaishnvas. A true devotee does not do anything for himself or his relatives. Whatever he does, he does for the Absolute. He is always true to the Supreme Lord’s service.
