What a is service?

Service is not a function of the body or mind but of the spirit soul. There is no business or trade in service. For the service to be actually devotional, it must be intended simply for Krsna’s pleasure. One’s service should contain nothing motivated by a desire for one’s own happiness. Devotional service is unmotivated, causeless, and the uninterrupted propensity of the spirit soul. One cannot understand the ultimate goal of knowledge unless he engages in unalloyed service to guru. Only the Lord’s devotee is eligible to become a spiritual master. This is not an exaggeration but a fact. Lord Krsna states, “As they surrender unto me I reward them accordingly.” In the conjugal pastimes, Krsna’s devotees serve Him with their entire body. Krsna reciprocates by giving Himself to those devotees. He considers Himself indebted to them. The ultimate perfection and goal of service is found in the conjugal mellow.
