What is the difference between the science relating to the spiritual master and the science relating to Sri Radha?

Sri Radharani is the original predominated absolute. Sri Radha, the daughter of Vrshabhanu, is the crest jewel of all acaryas of madhurya-rasa and of all lovers of Krsna. Our spiritual master, who is an acarya in the line of madhurya-rasa, is Sri Radha’s dear companion. He is an eternally perfected Vraja-gopi. By discussing the writings of Srila Narottama dasa thakur, which states guru rupa sakhi baame , “on the left the sakhi in the form of the spiritual master is situated,” it is clearly understood that the spiritual master or sakhi is the manifestation of the daughter of Vrshabhanu and is nondifferent from Her.
