What is the mentality of a Vaishnav?

A devotee of Vishnu considers neither his spiritual master nor his disciples to be objects of his own sense enjoyment. He is always engaged in Krsna’s service under his guru’s guidance and is pleased to engage everything in his Lord’s service. A sincere disciple has no desire for sense gratification. He is concerned only with serving his spiritual master. If a disciple does possess the desire for sense gratification, it can be assumed that he is not fully serving the spiritual master. In his commentary on Srimad Bhagwatam (4.28.34), jagad guru Srila Vishvanatha Cakravati Thakur writes, regarding the ideal of service to the spiritual master:

A disciple who is engaged in the service of his spiritual master does not mind sacrificing the happiness he derives from hearing and chanting about the Lord. In other words, he does not care about his own solitary bhajana, because he knows that simply by serving his spiritual master he will easily attain all perfection.
