What kind of Vaishnava has no possessions?

Those who want nothing from this world are actually akincana, devoid of possessions. Such Vaishnavas have understood that there is nothing in this world that can give them eternal hapiness. The material world is a prison house for conditioned souls. Because we have been averse to Krsna, we have been impriosned here and have suffered the material miseries.

Although Prahalada Maharaja was an emperor, he had no possessions. Sudhama Brahmana was extermely improverished, and he too was akincana. Both devotees were free of material desire.

The akincana devotees know well that the material world simply contains ingridents for the service of Hari, guru, and the vaishnavas. They do not see this mateial world in the spirit of personal enjoyment, nor do they become indifferent to it. Rather, they engage everything in this world in the Supreme Lord’s service. Unless we worship Lord Hari, we have no right to take even a blade of grass from this world. Akincana devotees realize this fact.

The devotees are convinced that by rendering devotional service to Krsna they can attain happiness and auspiciousness. By constantly and offenselessly chanting Krsna’s holy name, they realize the essential characteristics of Vaishnavas, devotional service, and the Supreme Lord.

We have to hear Krsna-katha from the spiritual master and the Vaishnavas and then preach it to others. This is how we cultivate Krsna consciousness. If we are not cultivating Krsna consciousness, we will certainly cultivate attitudes unrealtaed to Krsna.
