When will we achieve auspiciousness?

Only when we hear hari-katha from saintly persons and the mahajanas and then follow in their footsteps can we achieve auspiciousness. In order to make pots, we must first take lessons from a potter. Then we must start to work. Similiarily, if we do not follow the most experienced persons but try to achieve something by our independent endeavor, we will face many obstacles on the path to success. We will also fail to understand the purport of scripture and become controlled by mental speculation.

​ It is our duty to take shelter of a spiritual master. There is no other way to realize the Absolute Truth than to follow the disciplic succession. Without smearing the dust from the lotus feet of the akincana mahajanas on our body, we cannot see or realize anything. Only the mahajanas can protect us from the spell of misconception. We can realize the Absolute Truth only when we take shelter of a spiritual master and serve Krsna under his guidance.
