Who is an actual disciple?

“If I can fully surrender at the lotus feet of my spiritual master, in whose hands Lord Krsna has entrusted the responisibility for my well being, then I am an actual disciple. It is my duty to obey whatever arrangements my spiritual master makes for me without fail.” This is how a true disb=ciple thinks. To think otherwise means our downfall is inevitable.

Those who instead ofbecoming sense enjoyers server the Supreme Lord constantly under the spiritual master’s guidance are genuine disciples. Everything in this world is meant to be used in the spiritual master’s service for Krsna’s service. We will not find benefit if we think anything is meant for our pleasure. If we fail to see that all objects in this world are intended for service to guru and Krsna, we will certainly become degraded. An ideal disciple realizes this face and always makes service to his guru and Krsna his life and soul.

A real disciple sees his spiritual master both internally and externally. Although he considers himself insignificant, a disciple’s vision is not low. A sincere disciple certainly possesses the good intelligence to know that he has no well-wisher in this world other than his spiritual master. A real disciple is always steady in the understanding that he should serve his spiritual master; he considers his spiritual master as good as God. A good disciple possesses firm faith in and spontaneous love for his spiritual master.

A true disciple accepts the spiritual master as his most intimate well-wisher. He knows his guru is most dear to Krsna and therefore an object of love. The guru is his eternal master, his life and soul. A disciple knows that the spiritual master is simultaneously nthe personlification of devotional service and of the Supreme Lord. The spiritual master is dearer to Krsna than His life. He is non-different from Krsna because he is a manifestation of Krsna. It is not possible to attain Krsna’s service without serving the spiritual master. Only those who serve their spiritual master are real Vaishnavas and disciples. Others are simply bewildered by false ego. Frankly speaking, they are filled with material desire.
